Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to be a LEGEND pointguard

In basketball, the point guard is the general on the court, who has the ball in their hands most of the time. These steps will show you how to stand out on the court.


1. Work on your stamina. You should run 2-5 miles, 2-3 times a week. Stamina won't be an issue if you do this.
2.  A point guard has to be in good shape you will be doing a lot of running so a good diet is good. Eat plenty of carbs. Fruits will give you some good initial energy. And a little junk food every once in a while is not bad. Pasta or potatoes are good to eat before games. But do not eat too much or too close to the game. And drink plenty of water.
3. Focus on your lower body. Basketball is all about explosive legs, so you should be doing squats 2 times a week, 4 sets of 5-8 reps, heavy sets. Also, strong shoulders and abs will help you to be more of a scoring threat, so if you do military presses 2 times a week and leg lifts every other day, you will be able to drive to the basket with ease. By the way, if you can squat twice your body weight once, you have enough muscle to dunk easily. Try doing that once or twice a month.
4.Dribble a lot, as much as you can. Practice dribbling low, with your back straight and with your head up. When you practice dribbling, do it different ways. For example: dribble 15 yards with 2 balls low, then high, then middle. Then, use 1 ball to dribble crossover style, then behind the back, then with spins, etc., etc.
5.Don't be afraid to make risky passes. Hit your post players with some lobs over the defenders, and make sure they're out of reach of the defender.
6.Be a leader. Remember the point guard is the leading roll in the game of basketball so always think about the other players on your team. Do not keep the game going too fast because just because you are in good shape does not mean that the other players are in good shape. If you see one of the players on your team mess up talk to them and tell them what there doing wrong and tell them how not to do it wrong.


1. In a game, your number 1 priority is to get the ASSIST rather than the points. Your team won't like you if you just try to score, but that doesn't mean you HAVE to pass it. Trust me, if you make more assists, you will become great at it, and if that happens, you wont need 20 points a game to be the star.
2.Aim for ten assists a game and around 8 points a game. Imagine how much more simple your role will be on the court. You'll get more minutes, you'll be liked by all your teammates, and you can still be the star of the team.
3.A good point guard has to be good at dribbling. Practice your dribbling!
4. Don't get too nervous. Most of us play better when we're not nervous.